Re: Minatures
From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 01:42:26 -0400
Subject: Re: Minatures
> This brings up another thing I've been meaning to ask from
>on this group. What sort of paint schemes do you people usually use on
>your ships?
Actually, just tonight I came up with a reasonably effective
scheme. Easy, too, which means my ships might actually get done
I'm painting a whole bunch of FSE ships, and I started by
them in black. I then drybrushed them with Ral Partha Grey (Which is a
light grey that covers remarkably well. I reccommend the Partha paints
general; they're a good line.) After that, I went back and picked out
raised panels in white. After that, I did the engines in deep red,
them with a little bit of flourescent red, and that's that. I still
have to
paint the base, and put decals on it, but that's all that's left. My
ships are similar, except that I paint them with a panzer grey, drybrush
them with a medium grey (Partha Armor Grey), and then do the panels in
Partha Grey. It's easy, and quick, and it actually looks good, I think.
course, I'm biased, but take it for what it's worth.
For decals, by the way, there's a company called Beacon which
out 1/285 sized lettering and numerals. They are a perfect size for the
FTII ships, and they have a lot of colors available.
John Crimmins