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Re: Minatures

From: Binhan Lin <Binhan.Lin@U...>
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 1996 21:45:59 -0400
Subject: Re: Minatures

On Mon, 22 Jul 1996, Robert Crawford wrote:

>	What are some good materials for scratch-building? I've been
> tempted to try my hand at it, but most of my inspiration has been to
> raid aircraft models for their missiles, fuel pods, etc.
	Sculpey Clay for big parts like bodies and stuff, marbles for 
round tank-like items, various sizes of balsa for wings, solar panels, 
struts.  Piano wire for various small struts/tunnels/weapon barrels.  
Straws for medium sized cylinders (11 1" straw sections mounted in 3
creates an engine section similar in appearance to the one seen on the 
Coreelian cruiser in the beginning of Star Wars) Fine screen (a la doors

and window mesh) in either metal or plastic can form grids or give 
texture to a surface.  Small beads in various sizes give "cargo" 
modules.  9mm bullet casings give engine pods as well as small turrets 
from the primer caps.  22 cal. gun casing give small engine pods.  
Various electronic parts such as chips give a "borg" like appearance to 
	Pretty much anything small will work, although sometimes you 
might have to put several together to disguise their forms so it doesn't

look as weird, since the eye tends to see patterns, a big pattern will 
tend to over-ride a smaller one, so a bunch of straws together doesn't 
look as weird as just one, until you take a closer look.

Just some suggestions,

--Binhan Lin

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