From: rkp@m... (Robin Paul)
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 1996 07:14:05 -0400
Subject: Traveller
I haven't played Traveller in the past 15 years (!), and our ships were
original Book 2 stuff, so this is just burbling on my part. I like the
Megamass idea a lot (and think it would also be a good approach to Iain
Banks' "Culture" vessels. As an alternative though, here's another
which reduces the number of systems on each ship- I'm a firm believer in
combining systems to increase speed and playability.
I suggest that the FT Mass scale is nonlinear, and can be
approximated to Traveller using this formula:
Traveller Mass =2.3*(FT Mass cubed)
assuming that ~100 tons for a scout ship and ~75000 tons for a heavy
are reasonable figures.
Notes FT Mass Traveller Mass
1 2.3
Courier 2 18.4
Scout 4 147.2
Destroyer 14 6311.2
Maximum Escort 18 13413.6
Heavy Cruiser 32 75366.4
Maximum Cruiser 36 107308.8
Battlecruiser 40 147200.0
Battleship 48 254361.6
Battledreadnought 60 496800.0
CVL 70 788900.0
Superdreadnought 80 1177600.0
CVA 98 2164742.0
Maximum Capital 100 2300000.0
5 Megaton ship 130 5053100.0
10 Megaton ship 164 10145171.0
20 Mt(ish!) ship 200 18400000.0
I suggest giving ships "Kra'Vak Armour" (Level 1 for cruisers,
2 for capitals) but thinking of it as an assortment of standard
systems. I would also suggest a rule of doubling the mass points for A-
B- batteries on escorts, and A-batteries on cruisers, to increase the
definition between hull sizes. An exception would be made for spinal
mounts; I suggest letting them fire into the forward arc with a -1
unless the target is directly ahead.
Any thoughts?
Rob Paul
NERC Institute of Virology
Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3SR Tel. (01865) 512361
"Auld an' bald!"