Re: Traveller Ships
From: M.J.Elliott@u...
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 11:36:30 -0400
Subject: Re: Traveller Ships
Joe Troche recently asked me about the Traveller tonnage to FT mass
I have answered it on the list as it is prbably of general interest.
>How or when and who determined that 100 tons in Traveller is
>equivalent to 2 mass points in Full Thrust?
Nobody actually stated this ratio, I merely suggested it.
>I used High Guard, GURPS Space, and More Thrust for reference. More
>Thrust includes a section on DSII which had cargo requirements for
>and equipment.
Yeah, I wrote that section in More Thrust. The original intention was to
say that 1 MASS = 50 tons, but it got changed to 50CS in the final
Begs the question tho' - how many tons is 1CS?
>GURPs Space has a starship construction section that includes
>volume requirements for crew quarters. Combining these two with
>information from Traveller, I came up with 312.5 cu/meters = 1 mass
>ยจ 25 tons mass displacement - assuming the Scout ship from Full Thrust
>roughly equivalent to the Traveller Scout (at 1400 cu/m).
This is our point of divergence. My assumption was that a Traveller
(100tons) is equivalent to an FT Courier (MASS 2). This assumption is
on the fact that the smallest FTL capable ship in the Traveller universe
a Scout or similar at 100 tons and the smallest FTL capable ship in FT
the MASS 2 Courier.
>Did you read somewhere that GZG decided to make the scout mass 2?
No, its the Courier that's MASS 2.
Mike Elliott, GZG