Re: Those annoying aliens...
From: Niko Mikkanen <creator@c...>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 00:14:48 -0400
Subject: Re: Those annoying aliens...
> What about Counter ECM? Why not have aliens using the "Kra'Vak
> Technology" deploy fewer ships. It's a matter of Quality vs.
> The aliens deploy fewer ships because they don't need to deploy more.
> Further, because it's alien tech supported by an "unknown" economic
> system, quality costs less.
> Joe A. Troche
A small note on economy: A future country, fighting a distant
colony war far from home is propably not able to convert it's whole
economy on to a war footing. Then again, a humankind, threatened by a
common foe threatening it's very excistence (sp? I can never remember
whether that "C" belongs there or not...), can possibly forget or lessen
it's internal conflicts long enough to do something about it. Earth
itself has immense resources at it's disposal (adding the asteroid belt
and the other planets in the solar system), not to mention the colonies,
and is, in effect, fighting a battle on it's hometurf. One might tend to
think that all this combined might help humankind to start gearing it's
war industry to a real war footing.
On the other side, the Kra'Vak are already putting into the
everything they've got, which means that even if they wanted to increase
their war effort, they propably wouldn't... Of course, this is mere
quesswork only, as the anthropology team I sent to do a study on the
Kra'Vak has failed to file any reports since their departure...
The simplest way of showing this growth of stinking Humie... I
mean human war effort is, strangely enough, the original one: Increase
the points allowed to human player. This represents the growing
put into the fight and the growth of the human fleet as more ships are
added and different factions finally realize they'll have to come to
terms with each other in order to survive. In single battles, the effect
is hard to see, but in a campaign-ish system the effects are something
like this:
Phase one: First contact (early war months?)
-Human and Kra'Vak meet have equal point values, and
side can use the other's technology
-Humans get licked. Though.
Phase two: Battle is joined (middle war months?)
-Humans get a point advantage, and can start to use
amounts of Kra'vak technology, as well. They might also
start inventing counter-measures for Kra'Vak tech.
-Kra'Vak cannot use Human tech, as they're too proud to
assimilate technology from a lesser race that will soon
be wiped out, anyway.
Phase Three: Globbering time (late war years?)
-Humans get an even larger point advantage, due to the
industry kicking into full gear.
-Both sides may start using each others tech to a
Phase Four: Revenge (later/end war years?)
-Human point advantage starts slowly to diminish, due to
a combination of war exhaustion and a general lack
of interest in a war which is (hopefully) finally moving
away from Earth and the more important "core" colonies.
-Both sides can use each others technology fully
or nearly so.
-Humans start to squabble with each other again.
Phase Five: Peace in our times (end of war)
-Humans start to fight with each other again.
-Kra'Vak power only enough to be a nuisance due to
raids at the area of original Kra'Vak entry into the
Human space.
-combination of the above means only second-class
forces can be spared to guard the frontier against the
Kra'Vak, so no point advantage, and mostly old ships
(=old tech).
I just thought it out as I wrote it, but opinions, please...
btw, I don't have my rulebook with me, but did FT have rules for fleet
morale or not? I seem to recall that More Thrust (=MT?) had them, but as
I said, I'm not sure.