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RE: New FT Gamer (long)

From: Steven Guffey <magetower@r...>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 1996 22:45:09 -0400
Subject: RE: New FT Gamer (long)

Sorry for the delay in answering this one...but I couldn't let you all
be misled.

There are a number of pretty good sized battles in the Battlestar
Galactica series. (it has been awhile since I've seen them but the
memory is still there)

The one that was mentioned in reply to the original post was about the
Galactica/Pegasus vs. Base ships episodes (which was a 2 parter BTW). 
As memory recalls the last battle fought in that episode was the two
Battlestars and their compliment of fighters vs. 3 Base ships and
fighters.  The Pegasus ended up taking on the base ships at close range
destroying two of them with a volley of missiles.

Here is my guess on the forces:
Battlestars (superships of 150 mass)

Thrust factor 2 and FTL capable
Level-3 shields
4 dual-arc A beams (2 pf, 2 sf)
4 tri-arc B beams
6 PDAF (due to reliance on fighter based combat)
2 missiles
6 fighter groups (all have ace)

Reasoning for ace fighters:  The Pegasus has successfully survived hit
and run skirmishes unsupported for a number of years. The commander is a
very militaristic perfectionist who insists on the best from his crew.
This combination would have produced aces to lead each of the squadrons.

Same as Pegasus with two exceptions;  1) only two or three of the ftr
groups would have an ace.  2) there is some modification to the ship to
accommodate an additional 2 ftr groups [this could be done by
eliminating some of the systems to allow for the groups or allowing the
available hull space to be increased ie. To 62 instead of 50{I would opt
for the latter}]   This would represent the Galactica picking up the
remnants of the fighter forces left over from the initial fiasco and
being forced to convert as much internal structure as possible to
accommodate storage of the fighters.

Base Ships: (superships of mass 160)
Thrust factor of 2 and FTL capable
2 tri-arc A beams
4 tri-arc B beams
4 tri-arc C beams
8 fighter groups (4 regular, 4 attack)
Level-3 shields

The fighter groups would not contain any aces (Cylons are a dime a
dozen) and to more closely reflect the overall combat capability some of
them could be considered turkey.  Some of you may argue that since they
are machines they should be able to maintain an overall average fighting
force (but they are definitely NOT terminators).  The base ships are
larger and contain more fighters than the battlestars but their
firepower at range is less.  This could be justified by the fact that a
base ship never directly engaged a battlestar if they could avoid it. 
Cylons believed in quantity over quality (thus the additional groups).

As for the fiasco battle at the beginning of the series (or movie if any
of you remember [it did show in theaters]) the forces consist of 12
battlestars (of the Pegasus configuration without aces) in which all but
the Galactica would be considered in a stand-down status (ie all systems
at standby, no active shields, no ready fighters).  The opposing forces
would consist of 4 Base ships with all fighters launched plus two
freighter/tenders with an additional 20 deployed fighter groups (half
would be attack fighters).  The Galactica would begin with all systems
ready and all fighters launched but within 6 in of the Galactica.  The
remaining battlestars will not begin activation of systems until the
first volley of fire from the Cylons (hey! They are attacking!).  On the
initiative of the battlestars after the Cylons open fire they can
attempt to activate systems with a roll of 6 (this can either be done
for individual systems or ship-wide) and for each turn thereafter the
chance increases (ie 5,6 then 4-6 then 3-6) until automatic full
activation on the 6th turn (any that take this long are surely space
dust).	Once activated a battlestar will only be able to launch one
group at a time (to simulate the unpreparedness of the pilots and crews;
we're supposed to be at peace, let's party).  On turn 2 Commander Adama
will realize that the core worlds are in danger of attack and will beat
feet with the Galactica (simulated by the Galactica making for the
closest map edge accelerating the entire way).	Beginning thrust for the
battlestars should be no greater than 6 and the fleet should be arranged
close to center of map.  The Cylons begin within 24 inches of the
farthest map edge from the battlestar fleet (adjust according to the
size of playing field). Any Colonial fighter group depleted to half
strength or less have a 50/50 chance of breaking off (will make for the
same map edge as the Galactica at full speed [we're not suicidal after
all])  Cylons will attack with everything until all battlestars are
destroyed (we must annihilate the Colonials).  There is a one turn
turnaround for recovered fighters (ie they can launch after one full
turn has elapsed after recovery); this goes for both Cylons and

This scenario has just been made up as I sit here and thus has not been
play-tested.  Please feel free to try it out and let me know how it

S Guffey

From:  Tom Granvold[SMTP:Thomas.Granvold@Eng.Sun.COM]
Sent:  Tuesday, June 25, 1996 8:42 PM
Subject:  Re: New FT Gamer

    It has been far too long, but there were some battle scenes in the
old TV series, Battlestar Galactica.  I can't remember if there were any
large battles or not.

Tom Granvold				       

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