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From: b.s.murray@n... (Stuart Murray)
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 1996 10:15:21 -0400
Subject: Kra'vak

A though about railguns.

Railguns fire solid particles at relativley slow velocities compared to
beam weapons which travel at lightspeed.   This effect is ehanced at
extended range allowing a target some time before the incoming rounds
impact.   Why is it not possible to use rapid fire cannons to try to
down'  the railgun round ?   This could be simulated by allowing PDAF a
on a D6 against incomming from a railgun.  Would this go some way to
'balancing' the Kra'vak in FT ?  Of course, if a ship were busy trying
shoot down railgun rounds then it would be fairly vunerable to fighters

I havn't play-tested this yet as I've just dusted of my UN Colonial
Starlift Arm after a lengthy period in dry dock !

Stuart Murray

The Department of Surgery
The University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne

ph. 0191 222 7076

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