RE: Sa'Vasku Miniatures
From: timj@u...
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 1996 03:50:08 -0400
Subject: RE: Sa'Vasku Miniatures
Kelvin Henderson wrote:
--Can anyone tell me who makes GOOD bioships to use as Sa'Vasku ships!!
I used the night brood ships from Silent death (ICE) These were made by
Grenadier in the UK I think. Even though they are fighters they are
as they have no discernable features like a cockpit. They are now out of
production but might be found in your local gaming store which might
hold old
There is a new release called Silent Death Next Millenium which contains
whole bunch of new ships, they haven't made it over here UK yet so are
unlikely to be in OZ yet, again this is a gaming store game so it should
widely available.
The GW Tyranid ships are also pretty good, but again out of production &
expensive. They have a good distribution system so pick up a copy of
dwraf and see about ordering from GW. I saw a post a while back that
might still have some space fleet stuff left, but its about 5 quid ($10
aus) a
I did see once that someone made Sa'Vasku ships from dead/dessicated
- flys and beetles - sounds gruesome but probably gives the best
bio-ship look
possible. I suppose you could take moulds in silicon & cast them in
Given OZ has some of the most way out insect fauna in the world why not
Tim Jones