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Those Quiet Annoying Seiferts...

From: rkp@m... (Robin Paul)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 12:12:02 -0400
Subject: Those Quiet Annoying Seiferts...

'lo, folks.
	     A thought or two on the problems of points values, balance
perhaps more relevant to DSII than FT.	The Wargame Research Group
rules (company/battalion level) uses a system of "baseline points
for elements, and modifies the "basic points available" to a force
to quality/enthusiasm etc and according to mission.  For example, say
basic points available=2000.  This is 100% of the basic level for a
performing a Hasty Defence.  An opposing force in Hasty attack gets
300%, or
6000pts.  If the defenders included "Green" troops, they would get a
of 10% of the base, ie 110% or 2200pts.  If the attackers included
"Thrusting" troops they would have a 10% (or is it 20%, I forget) of the
base, ie 90% of 300%, ie 270% or 5400 pts.  

	The SF rules "OHMU" (battalion/company level, with a "top down"
approach) used a system (the details of which escape me) of "bidding"
the sides in particular missions, so that the player prepared to use the
smallest force got the "favoured mission".  Hmm, that last bit
to gibberish, I'll try again after re-reading the relevant rules!


Rob Paul
NERC Institute of Virology 
Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3SR	  Tel. (01865) 512361
			 "Auld an' bald!"

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