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RE: New Irregular ST Minis & Transporter technology NOT

From: rkp@m... (Robin Paul)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 11:53:06 -0400
Subject: RE: New Irregular ST Minis & Transporter technology NOT

>Date sent:  25-JUN-1996 16:18:16 
>>Adam wrote 
>><something about buying the new irregular miniatures & them being like
>>I would be interested in a bit more information on the style of ship,
I have 
>>always been a fan of irregulars 'cheap' metal policy but their old FT
>>were a not my cup of tea. If they are jumping on the 'its close Jim'
>>doesn't quite infringe copyright bandwagon for Star Trek then I'm
>>in any details.
>Don't have much. I just picked 'em up off the stand. 1.60 each. About
>same size as Micromachines. Comes in two parts (main hull and saucer).
>>	Tim Jones
>| Adam Delafield, I.T. Officer        | Bolton Institute,  |

I got Irregular to send me assorted old and new ships a couple of weeks
they included what I assume is the same ship Adam bought, an "Imperial
Cruiser" a bit like an Ambassador class but not so pot-bellied.  Also,
older vessel (I _think_ the Human Destroyer SH3) is like a stumpy Star
Destroyer about 30mm long.  Another new vessel is a carrier for £2,
consisting of a flightdeck with island, a boxy main hull with a bulblike
forward projection, and a pylon with 2 pods or nacelles resembling those
the "Trekkie" cruiser.	 There's also a fleet of "Klingonesque" vessels-
sample is a cruiser for 90p, resembling the original Klingon BCs but
forward-swept "wings" so that it fits very well (with my prehistoric
Garrison starcruisers) into my Scottish space-fleet.  The new vessels
notably neater than the old.


Rob Paul
NERC Institute of Virology 
Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3SR	  Tel. (01865) 512361
			 "Auld an' bald!"

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