RE: DSII & SGII: Looking for info on Jerry Pournelle's Saurons
From: rkp@m... (Robin Paul)
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 11:58:10 -0400
Subject: RE: DSII & SGII: Looking for info on Jerry Pournelle's Saurons
>Date sent: 13-JUN-1996 15:33:25
>>I have a friend that wants to create a Sauron army based on Jerry
>>Pournelle's (?) books like Mote in God's Eye. What other books are
>>Sauron's in? I've searched the internet for "Saurons" & only found 1
>>reference to them. Does anyone have suggestions how to model their
>>forces in DSII & SGII?
>I can't remember any 'Saurons' in 'Mote in God's Eye'. In fact I pretty
>sure that the Humans and Moties were the only two races (unless the
>Saurons is another name for the moties). There is a sequel, the Mote
>around Murchuson's Eye. (By Niven and Pournelle, as was the original)
>It's a while since I last looked at these two, so sorry if I've got
>anything wrong.
>And I've NEVER seen a mini that even remotely resembles a Motie.
>| Adam Delafield, I.T. Officer | Bolton Institute, |
Ah, we greybeards perhaps regret that we didn't buy any Asgard
Miniatures "Trimotes" (which were 25mm Moties) when we had the chance...
I wonder if the moulds survive?
Rob Paul
NERC Institute of Virology
Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3SR Tel. (01865) 512361
"Auld an' bald!"