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Re: OFFICIAL - GZG: Vacuum and zero/low gravity combat…?

From: Roger Bell_West <roger@f...>
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2016 13:27:38 +0000
Subject: Re: OFFICIAL - GZG: Vacuum and zero/low gravity combat…?

On Mon, Feb 01, 2016 at 01:19:54PM +0000, Jon Tuffley wrote:
>With the great reaction to the first two MOONGRUNT figure packs - and
six new packs almost ready for release - I'd like to gather ideas and
suggestions for ground combat on Luna, Mars or any other environments -
anywhere with either vacuum or a thin and/or hostile atmosphere, and
lower-that-1G gravity (down to zero/microgravity for ship, station or
asteroid attacks). Ideas for rule mods to Stargunt, (or indeed for
GRUNTZ, TOMORROW'S WAR whatever other SF rules you happen to like and
use) or just general discussion of the topics, anything welcome…..

Some ideas:

- it will be easier to take troops out of action, and therefore harder
  to kill them, compared with ground combat. If you get a small breach
  in your suit, you may slap a patch on it and stay down, rather than
  poking your head up to be shot at again.

- low gravity may well mean lower tactical movement speeds for
  infantry (you don't want to bounce up out of cover), but higher for

- in built environments, you really don't want to blow holes in the
  walls, which will be no thicker than the company could be persuaded
  to pay for. Personal armour may well be thicker than this! So you
  might have shotgun- or dart-type weapons for use when possible, and
  a locked armoury with the big guns for when you're going to lose the
  station/ship if you don't fight.


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