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Re: brief Fall In convention AAR

From: Indy <indy.kochte@g...>
Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2015 07:12:26 -0500
Subject: Re: brief Fall In convention AAR

Eh, it's all good (the Kochte Effect or, as was being passed around ECC
some years, The Curse of Indy). I had fun with it. :-D	I mean, if I
didn't, I'd probably have soured on gaming altogether! :-/

Firecons. I'm all good with how they are written. But there are
(apparently, as I have now learned) some folks who feel they are too
restrictive. "If you have two firecons on a ship, and five weapons, you
only shoot at two ships?!? You can't shoot at five different targets??
not? That doesn't make any kind of sense." This is where they are coming

In the Silent Fury game, ships have weapons, but they completely take
fire control systems as being systems to hit, damage, whatever. They
fire control into the weapon systems. So if a ship has four weapons, it
shoot at four targets. To them this makes a lot more sense.

I get where they are coming from. But I like having the fire control
separated from the weapons. This gives the players a tactical decision
point in what they are going to do in a given turn. While I like simple
games (as opposed to, oh, say, Starfleet Battles), I like having
decision points in the games, too.


On Sun, Nov 8, 2015 at 5:37 AM, Jon Tuffley <> wrote:

> Interesting report, Indy - sorry to hear that the Kochte Effect is
> haunting you….. don't worry, in FT3 there will be some cases where
> rolls are GOOD for you (though I suspect that will be when you start
> rolling 6s….)  ;-)
> Re the comment about the Firecons in FT (especially in FT Light) I'm
> afraid I really can't see how anyone can find that complicated, unless
> they've completely misunderstood it of course - after all, if you have
> Firecon then you can only fire at one target each turn, if you have
> then you can split your fire between two targets and so on, I really
> know how it could be much simpler than that…?
> Jon (GZG)
> On 8 Nov 2015, at 02:20, Indy <> wrote:
> > So, had an opportunity to jet up the road to poke into Fall In
> Saw several people from my local game there, as well as Mark
> Kinsey. Wearing my GZG ECC shirt, had one guy come up to me to inquire
> about it. He was hesitant about maybe going, because he only recently
> learned about Full Thrust, and while he likes it a lot, has no one to
> with/against, and wasn't certain how he, a noobie, would be received
at the
> con. I assured him he would be welcome by pretty much everyone there.
> new ECC attendee!
> >
> > I spent entirely too much time (and money) in the dealer hall, but I
> think I have my Check Your Six needs met for the next few months/year.
> :-D  I then made my way back to the main resort where I ran into Mark
> Kinsey for a bit. Then toured the flea market, browsed around a number
> games, then got involved in a new starship combat game currently under
> development called Silent Fury. I had done a blind playtest of the
> about a month ago, after being put in touch with the game designers
> were looking for some folks to do blind playtesting, so it was nice to
> them in person. And after the debacle of our playtest session (which,
> according to them, went far better than others they had gotten
> from!), sitting at the table with them I saw all the mistakes we made.
> >
> > Their game is definitely not Full Thrust. It IS pretty quick and
> relatively simple in many ways, but it is also immersed in hex
> (surprisingly they use vector hex movement - which works pretty well,
> actually), and offers a sub-game in the form of boarding action (where
> actually play out boarding party/ship crew battles on another ship as
> take over various systems on the opposing ship - if they don't kill
you off
> first!). However, my Full Thrust Curse Flag flew true!
> >
> > The first ship I was assigned was the first ship destroyed - on turn
> Took ONE hit...and exploded catastrophically. I hung out to kibitz and
> some photos of the game for the designers, then got an opportunity to
> over another ship as one of the other players on my side had to leave
> early. That ship was catastrophically exploded the next turn. One of
> badly damaged enemy ships was involved in an overwhelming boarding
> action with boarders from another player's ship from my side. As he
> having a tough enough time fighting his ship, I happily took over for
> I managed to take the enemy ship...but then was fired upon by our
> which all but gutted my new ship (I had one functional engine and one
> unit remaining). As the game then wrapped up at that point (so luckily
> third ship lived), one of the game designers took stock of the carnage
> the table, and the tally of ships blown out from under me. He looked
> from across the table, shook his head, and said, "You are just cursed,
> Indy!"
> >
> > I chatted some with him after the game. Turned out that he had
> his first taste of Full Thrust yesterday in a FT Light game that was
> run (don't know who was running it; I wasn't there yesterday). He
liked it,
> but he wasn't very fond of how the fire control system/rules worked.
> his mind tracking firecons that have or have not been used to fire on
> ship was a needless complication; firecons should just lock up at any
> they are needed)
> >
> > Was a fun time, but alas I only had enough time to be there just
> Maybe next year I'll try for the whole weekend.
> >
> > Mk
> >

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