Prev: RE: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)? was: Re: [FT] Quiet in here, isn't it. Next: Re: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)? was: Re: [FT] Quiet in here, isn't it.

Re: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)? was: Re: [FT] Quiet in here, isn't it.

From: Charles Taylor <nerik@r...>
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 19:31:41 +0100
Subject: Re: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)? was: Re: [FT] Quiet in here, isn't it.

In message <>
	  Jon Tuffley <> wrote:


> Right, so my first question to you all: MOVEMENT SYSTEM(S) IN FT?

> What Movement System do you use, or have you used in the past when
> you've been actively playing FT? Just the basic Cinematic movement?
> One of the Vector options, and if so which one(s)? Which do you
> prefer, and why?
> Have you modified any of the published (officially or fan-done)
> systems to your own tastes, if so how, why and did it work?

> When you reply/discuss, please let me have some background on your
> gaming so that I can tell which ideas are theoretical and which are
> table-tested - do you still play FT (and if so, which version?), have
> you played actively in the past, are you an interested spectator or
> Armchair Admiral? ;-)

> Obviously the new edition will retain the basic cinematic movement
> system as per the current FT Light rules - what I'm looking to discuss
> is whether it will also necessarily have a Vector system option (and
> if so, what version) as part of the new basic book, or whether that
> should be saved for an advanced rules supplement?

> OK, over to you all……  ;-)

> Jon (GZG)

Hi Jon,

I haven't played recently due to a lack on a convenient venue, but as 
my FLGS has recently moved to a larger premises, I'm hoping to start 
playing again soon(ish).

When I did play it was mostly cinematic, but with the 'side-slip' 
house rule usually in play.

While I quite like to vector rules, as one of my friends has pointed 
out, what does the use of the vector rules to the balance of weapons - 
as single arc weapons would appear to be more useful under the vector 

Which raised the related point; that Spinal Mount Nova Cannons, Wave 
Guns and Hyperspace distortion Cannons (from the IJN playtest rules) 
could be pretty nasty under the vector rules!

Something to think about if you do include vector rules.

As for fighters, I think I'd prefer it if fighters used the same 
movement system as ships (write orders etc.), just allow whole fighter 
squadrons (of multiple groups) to use 1 order.

Maybe allow ships to be grouped into squadrons as well, it might speed 
up larger battles (a bit).

Charles Taylor

Prev: RE: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)? was: Re: [FT] Quiet in here, isn't it. Next: Re: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)? was: Re: [FT] Quiet in here, isn't it.