Prev: RE: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)? was: Re: [FT] Quiet in here, isn't it. Next: Re: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)? was: Re: [FT] Quiet in here, isn't it.

Re: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)? was: Re: [FT] Quiet in here, isn't it.

From: Indy <indy.kochte@g...>
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 08:45:50 -0400
Subject: Re: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)? was: Re: [FT] Quiet in here, isn't it.

Unless you are defending an area or region, then it is easier to
:-)   Often, though, that usually involves some sort of 'space terrain'
(depending on scale being used, could be a base, an asteroid, a moon, or
planet), or maybe a disabled ship.


On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 3:54 AM, Roger Bell_West <>

> On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 08:46:11PM -0400, Damond wrote:
> >I'd think the size of the table would limit practical speeds.
> Because space is finite? :-)
> (Seriously, a non-floating table is a game-ish solution, which is
> perhaps hard to justify.)

Prev: RE: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)? was: Re: [FT] Quiet in here, isn't it. Next: Re: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)? was: Re: [FT] Quiet in here, isn't it.