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Re: SFB-type shields in FT

From: Phillip Atcliffe <atcliffe@n...>
Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2014 11:24:10 +0000
Subject: Re: SFB-type shields in FT

On 02/01/2014 08:28, Hugh Fisher wrote:
> Trying to follow along. Much as I like Full Thrust, I'm still rather 
> bemused as to why go to so much trouble modifying the game when, say, 
> Squadron Strike is much more flexible. 
I think you've sort of answered the question yourself. People _like_ FT.

It's simple, adaptable and fun. Converting it to <insert genre/series> 
is a big part of what it's about, so naturally players try to adapt it 
to their favourite games as well. As to why they go to so much trouble, 
well, they're gamers; that's what they do! Squadron Strike may be more 
flexible, but it's also more complex, not as well known, and a heck of a

lot of work to set up from my experience. This is not to disparage SS --

it's a good game -- but it doesn't have the fan- and player-bases that 
FT has, and so someone wanting to play an SFB-like game with a ruleset 
that they already own is more likely to do it with FT than SS because 
that's what they know and probably own. The alternative is to buy 
another game, of which there are plenty these days, but making the 
effort to adapt a game would tend to indicate that you don't want the 
bother of buying and learning a new set of rules.


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