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From: mark drake <thedrake70458@y...>
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2013 02:51:50 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Full Thrust Shipyard

Thanks to for providing this tool to FT players for making

Found both the website and program are not easy to navigate,had a lot of
trouble just getting my registration to take,and the SSD program does
look nice but it is not very intuitive to use.
For example,how do I find other SSD icons in the program other than the
ones displayed? Tried changing rhe faction for an SSD to see if
different icons may appear but no go. How can I drag+drop more than one
Hull/Armor box at a time onto the SSD? Plus having difficulty moving
between the sub-menus on the left (Ship Tools,Basic,Change Layout,Design
Notes,etc.) Also dont care for limited number of class/type layout
displays,but this is more of a personal choice as I prefer either
attached pic of mini to go along with my SSD,or a specific layout icon
that looks like the mini of that ship.
Comparing how fast I can make SSD's in their program to making SSD's in
Paint I find I can make them faster in Paint as well as have higher
degree of customization.
Nice looking program,and the SSD's do look nice but the class layouts
make it feel too generic for me.Plus with the difficulty I experienced
just  trying to manuever thru the program to make one SSD,I just dont
think it is very user-friendly. Going to pass on using this program
myself but I hope other FT players find it works for them. 


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