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Re: GZG ECC 16 - an overview wrap

From: Indy <indy.kochte@g...>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 17:17:54 -0500
Subject: Re: GZG ECC 16 - an overview wrap

textfilter: chose text/plain from a multipart/alternative

On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Peter Thoenen

> textfilter: chose text/plain from a multipart/alternative
> Excellent write up and video, one of these years I'm going to need to
> a ECC.  Three quick questions for those that watched the vid:

Mind you, the video you saw was from GZG ECC XV, not ECC XVI. In case
was less than clear in my AAR above.  :-)

But yes, you can plan now to attend next year's ECC. It will be the
of Feb 21-23.  :-)

> 1: Anybody know what games the steampunk / man-o-war / iron skies in
> space? (example: 02:49)

2:49 was my Aeronef game.

> 2: What was that Crimson Skies looking game? (or maybe it's related to
> above).  A prime example is the blimp model 01:17 which could fit in
> or air.

The blimp model was from the miniatures painting contest last year

> 3: What the hell was at 02:50?

Daleks. But I don't remember what game that was.


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