Re: GEOHEX Terrain
From: "Michael Brown" <mwsaber6@m...>
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 08:05:13 -0700
Subject: Re: GEOHEX Terrain
GeoHex was patented and he let it lapse. I think you can still get the
from the US Patent Office. I visited them while they were still in
production, the key was the jigs they used for cutting. Every piece was
hand cut, it was the fastest and cheapest option (he did look at
processes with the folks that make packing inserts)
Michael Brown
From: "Mike Stanczyk" <>
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 11:46 PM
To: <>
Subject: GEOHEX Terrain
> I want to pick the group mind about GEOHEX Terrain.
> After a trip to the Friendly Local Gaming Store, looking for Star Trek
> hero click Spaceships ($5 for a random ship NO WAY. I can better
> stuff from Jon.) I wandered into the terrain section. Disappointment.
> I own some GEOHEX terrain which is worlds better than anything on
offer at
> the FLGS. I wish I had more. Which got me thinking. (Never a good
> thing,
> nyaaa!)
> Can I build more? Well... Sorta. Terrain how-to's are a dime a
dozen on
> the web. I could buy polystrene and make my own hexes or buy premade
> hexes.
> But I can't make GEOHEX compatable hexes and shapes. Not on my own.
> GEOHEX, the company, is gone. I remember. I know that Monday Night
> Productions has the rights to some of the old GEOHEX products but not
> terrain.
> So, what's the state of the terrain?
> I don't want any sorted details about GEOHEX as a company or details
> their employees. Google gave me rumors. I don't care.
> I want the knowledge of how to make GEOHEX terrain. I want more
> I want it 100% compatible with what I already own. I'd like mine to
> identical to GEOHEX's but I doubt I have that kind of craftmanship. I
> want
> the knowledge legally.
> Can I buy a license? Nope. Nearly broke and unemployed again. I'd
> to see the knowledge open sourced or at least creative common licensed
> everyone can benifit and build their own. I don't want to start a
> selling business.
> If someone shows up saying, "Hey I own the license back off", I will.
> If someone says the terrain is dead legally, and it has to stay that
> I'll respect that, with proof. (You say you own the copyright, prove
> No bogus DMCA kinda stuff.)
> If K.R. is lurking around let me know. If someone on the list knows
> let him know about this. His knowledge and/or blessing is desired,
> if
> he tells me to STFU.
> Mike