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Re: Homework Project : First Steps

From: John Tailby <john_tailby@x...>
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 11:19:39 +1300 (NZDT)
Subject: Re: Homework Project : First Steps

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The faction I imagine being created first is the UN. If Antartica was
suddently discovered to have a large deposite of unobtanium 90, perhaps
the UN is given the mandate to ensure that the resource is exploited
fairly for all the peoples of the world. (At least those that have paid
their UN dues).
This would give the UN some territory and a revenue base that it could
use to develop their own economies and technology base.
A similar approach to the control of space based resources could then
occur especially when Unobtainium 90 is discovered in the asteroid belt.
The UN would be best positioned to exploit the resource as it is already
familer with handling the stuff on Earth. 
I can see large corporations leading the next phase of space
exploitation. I'd include the Chinese in this as they act as much like a
corporation as a government. So space technology will be focussed on
realisable corporate gain and bottom line to feed those rapacious
shareholders. So Communictions satelites, orbital pharmacuticals and
energy plants would all be next. A reduced dependance on oil would
change the economy of the world with countries that rely on oil with a
corresponding shift in influence. Again this might be something the UN
could manage under international mandate as giant space mirrors or
microwave emmitters controlled by a nation state could easily lead to
accuastions of the militarisation of space.
I'm not sure that many of the GZG factions are the equivalent of
nations. I see them more like NATO or Warsaw Pact alliances. In that
light they may make some more sense as a lot of them are regional /
racial based.

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