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Re: Discussion topic - rewriting (future) history....?

From: Tamsin Piper <Tamsin@t...>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 11:42:42 +0100
Subject: Re: Discussion topic - rewriting (future) history....?

At 09:13 20/10/2011, Evyn MacDude wrote:
>textfilter: chose text/plain from a multipart/alternative
>On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 00:37, Ground Zero Games <> wrote:
> >
> >
> > So, if it was up to you, what would you change, if anything? All
> > suggestions are welcome for discussion, whether they are because of
> > real events that have occurred since the time of writing, or just
> > because there is something in the background that you simply don't
> > like....
>Well for one I would either replace powers with or add several
>powers, as in corporate nation states that are de-facto governments
>their spheres of influence, quite possibly aligned with but
>functionally independent from existing National Powers.
>With that I would get rid of many of the
>sole proprietorship planets/systems, Habitable colony worlds having
>multiple territorial claims.
>At least those are the structural changes i would make.

Rather like the trans-nationals and meta-nationals in the Mars 
trilogy by Kim Stanley Robertson? In those books, they were actually 
more powerful than the nation states, which fell over themselves to 
give subsidies/tax exemptions to attract the corporations (errrmmm, 
hang on a sec - that's happening already - hardly a rewrite of

Given how things have been going over the past few years, I'd guess 
that the various GZG federations would actually look somewhat 
different. Taking Europe for instance, public revolution against 
austerity measures imposed by the EU lead to the secession of Greece, 
Spain, Portugal and Italy who form a Mediterranean Bloc; Scotland 
votes for independence from Great Britain, closely followed by Wales 
and Ulster (which also votes to reunite with Eire) and the three 
countries form a Celtic Alliance, later opting to ally with the US 
which in 2015 declared England as a rogue state for refusing to 
participate in the war called by President Palin against the newly 
formed Islamic Federation. Europe is falling apart and England opts 
to become part of the New Saxon Federation................

Plenty of food for thought there, especially if we add in the big


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