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Re: [GZG] GZG ECC AARs and Things

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2011 07:28:51 -0600
Subject: Re: [GZG] GZG ECC AARs and Things

Hot blooded and will show well in the IR; now, Vampires...

Funny how the best cons can often be detected by an excited 'but next

Well done, all!

By the way, given incubation periods, you may well be blaming the wrong
source for your bugs. Lot of the crud going around, you had unfortunate
coincidental infections, in all likelihood.

Mark, if you wish, that can be your story and you can stick to it.

Allan, we in the midwest have had it too easy of recent years; I
snow tires all too well, yet, until that last few years, I'd not thought
how much I might need them. 'All weather tyres' sometimes just don't cut
it! A couple of times, I  even missed 'studs'. ;->=


Damond Walker wrote on 03/02/2011 07:50:40 PM:

> Predators going Werewolf hunting.....  Hmmmmm
> D.

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