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Re: [GZG] [ECC XIV] AAR - Definitely not abridged version

From: Damond Walker <damosan@g...>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 12:56:45 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] [ECC XIV] AAR - Definitely not abridged version

For anyone who's interested here's the basic info I used to run the
Predator game at ECC.  I prefer the occasional cinematic game so allow
the players to bend FMAS until it breaks.  YMMV of course.  If you
hate Predator gaming delete this now...


FMA Predators:
Quality: Highly motivated elites (d12/1).  These can be adjusted
downward, probably as low as d8, to represent young newbie preds on
their first hunt.  Their nerve/motivation should always be 1.
Armor: d10
Mobility: d8 -- this could probably range from d6 - d10 for older,
"more experienced" preds, or younger pups.

Predators have two wounds -- they always get two actions.  Once
"killed" the first time they crack their medpack and pop their power
pills to recover back to two wounds.  Once brought down again they're

Predators can gain a suppression/stress chits but they can remove them
all at a cost of an action.  Predators will take a pause but they tend
to not give up so easily as the base rules would allow.

Predator equipment was limited to four items: shoulder cannon, spear,
wrist blades, and their shield generator.

Shoulder Cannon: S-4"/d12, M-8"/d10, L-12"/d8, Impact d10
Spear: S-4"/d8, M-8"/d6, L-12"/4, Impact d8
Wrist Blades: Impact d8

The high firepower of the shoulder cannon is more to simulate their
laser aiming and popping off single shots instead of the more common
spray of lead.

Hit Location:

When a predator is hit roll impact vs. armor as always.  If the armor
roll fails roll on the following:

d8 / result
1 / Spear
2 / Shoulder Cannon
3 / Shield Generator
4 / Wrist Blades
5-8 / Body

If a piece of equipment is hit it is destroyed for the duration of the
game.  If the body is hit mark off a wound.  When the second wound is
marked off the first time the player may crack open their medpack as
their only action the next turn to boost back to two wounds.
Opponents are only allowed to stare at the downed figure, being
cinematic of course, going "Whew...that was tough...ok lets hit the

Lastly we come to the shield generator.  As part of each action the
opponent model must make a free eyeball check.	This is normally their
quality + situation die vs. the Predator's quality with high die

The situation die starts at d4 (Mk 1 eyeball and all that).  This die
is up-shifted by activities performed by the Predator.

Shift Amount / Description

+2 / Predator combat moves and either starts, moves through, or ends
up within Target Quality inches away from opponent.
+1 / Predator does normal moves and either starts, moves through, or
ends up within Target Quality inches away from opponent.
+1 / Shoulder cannon shot
+N / GM whim.

These mods accumulate  from turn to turn based on the Predator's
activity.  The Predator can zero these mods out by taking a single
action to stand still.

The opponent makes their free eyeball check before each action.  If
they fail they are allowed to shoot at the invisible predator but
their firepower die is shifted down to d4 - otherwise they get their
normal firepower.  This check is made before the opponent determines
what their model is going to do.  An opponent may not charge a
Predator if they failed their eyeball check.

Individuals who have experience with Predators may start with a higher
eyeball check rating (say d6).

Collecting Skulls:

Once a Predator downs an opponent it takes a full action to collect
the skull.  Collection is not automatic.  Hard core opponents should
be worth more than one skull.  As an aside "The Hunted" don't
appreciate seeing their buddies spines and skulls torn out.  If this
"collection" should occur  within eyesight of an opponent have them
make an out of sequence nerve check at +2 and if they fail they
immediately flee 2d6" away from the Predator.  This may drive targets
into other Predators but herding is ok by Predator standards.

At the end of the game tally the skulls to determine who won.

Info on the Vietnam scenario:

Two phase game.  During phase one the Predators have almost free reign
on the table -- cinematic game play is encouraged to set the tone.
The players describe what they want to do and the GM fudges it to come
up with a difficulty.  As a GM never say no -- assign difficulty and
let the players do as they choose.  Phase two becomes more of a stand
up fight BUT cinematic game play should still be rewarded.

Red Team:
  Phase 1: 20 Local force VC.  Quality d6 with nerve/motivation
ratings of 1 to 3.  Armed with an assortment of AKs and SKS rifles.
No leaders.
  Phase 2: 16 Hardcore Main force VC.  Quality d8 with
nerve/motivation ratings of 1 to 3.  Two of the 16 should be Elite/1
or Elite/2 LEADERs.  Armed with AKs and SKS rifles.

Blue Team:
  Four Elite/1 Predators described as above.


Phase 1: VC start set up in the middle of the table in 3-6 figure
groups.  During phase one the VC will not act as a coherent force.
One predator starts on each map edge.  Predators start the game.
Phase 1 ends when the local force VC are either completely destroyed
or only 2-3 survivors remain.  Then they disappear and we move to
phase 2.

Phase 2: Predators start in the middle of the table looking at each
other.	I'm sure they're congratulating each other on a good hunt and
admiring skulls.  From one table edge the Main force VC emerge.  Split
into units of 8 with one leader per.  Let the REAL fight commence!
It's to the death.


Phase 1 is meant more for setting the tone of the game.  The Local
force VC can still hit and damage Predators so it won't be complete
cakewalk.  At ECC the Local force VC managed to damage some gear and
wound a Predator.
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