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Re: [GZG] Balanced Fleet Design

From: Noam Izenberg <noam.izenberg@j...>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 08:26:37 -0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] Balanced Fleet Design

> From: Ground Zero Games <>
>> On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 12:20:42PM +0100, Ground Zero Games wrote:
>>> If folks bring ordnance-heavy ships and want them at fully supplied
>>> at the start of the game, make them pay for suitable fleet munitions
>>> tenders as part of their force; if they choose NOT to do this, then
>>> all ordnance-carrying ships have only a random % of their standard
>>> loadouts to represent ordnance already expended in earlier
>>> engagements....?
>> Fixed 50% rather than random? Otherwise the game could be won or  
>> lost on
>> that one die roll. :-)
> I was thinking of a separate roll per ship, which should even out
> (though you could be lucky or unlucky when you roll for that FSE SDN,
> I agree....). But yes, a fixed % could work too.
> I'm looking at ways of encouraging balanced fleet design without
> actually enforcing it.
> Jon (GZG)

Heheh. I personally don't want balanced fleets (anymore) unless we  
have more tactical maneuver choice or vested interest in ship survival	
(e.g. victory conditions). I've gotten to the point where reducing two	
3000 point fleets to an empty missile frigate vs. a crippled cruiser  
and calling it a victory is unsatisfying. Maybe it took years to do  
it, but there I am.

Gzg-l mailing list

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