[GZG] Pictures of the surface of the sun
From: Tom B <kaladorn@g...>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 22:48:29 -0400
Subject: [GZG] Pictures of the surface of the sun
Okay, ignore the site this is posted on... the pic is from the Swedish
Solar Telescope.
Note that some of these rising plasma columns have dimensions of
1000-2000 km in length or width!
This might inform how some of you purists decide to paint your model
suns.... :0)
I'm really also looking forward to some of the imagery they are
currently working on from the odd radio jet emitter they've found in
M82. They think it might be a new class of black hole they've never
seen, given the size and speed of what they think is the accretion
disk. Those should come out sometime later in the year I think.
Space has so many mysteries and we're like ants trying to observe the
sparrow looking through a straw..... a good straw, but still just a
straw. The things we want to look at are so far away in space and time
and would probably be more than a little dangerous to get close to
anyway.... but oh boy, are they interesting!
If Hubble isn't among the top 10 inventions of the last century,
people have no sense of the poetic.
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