Re: [GZG] Some special items available from the GZG stand at
From: Tom B <kaladorn@g...>
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 17:21:35 -0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] Some special items available from the GZG stand at
I guess you are telling me if I'm prepared to Paypal or MasterCard you
the money today and take delivery at a time of you convenience later
(hence no pressure), you wouldn't put aside some of these before for
me going off to SALUTE? It's a guaranteed sale...
I understand that you guys are busy, however I could wait for
delivery. There's just no way to get to SALUTE and this is the first
new 28mm stuff in a while (*ahem* *cough*).
If you really, really can't put any aside before heading for SALUTE,
I'll just have to hope that your booth is patronized only by those
15mm Scalist Heretics and none of the disciples of the One True Scale
(25-28mm) so that there are some left for me afterwards.
If I could convince you to put aside 2 of the bigger APCs and 3 of the
smaller APCs, instead of sending you 34 UKPs plus shipping, I'd send
you 44 UKPs plus shipping (to help Jim's family). Call that a crass
bribe or wanting to help out... but I'm hoping you might see fit to
set some aside for me.....
Tom Barclay
You can drop me a mail at kaladorn ATSIGN gmail PERIOD com if you can
be convinced... I can then get you my MC or Paypal you....
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