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[GZG] langton minis/age of sail group started on yahoo

From: Bob Blanchett <bob.blanchett@i...>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 21:20:35 +1100
Subject: [GZG] langton minis/age of sail group started on yahoo

I saw this on TMP and joined up at

group description:
"Langton Miniatures and Games Group is dedicated to those of us who
build Langton model ships and play Langton games, such as Signal Close
Action. However, all naval modelers and naval game players are
welcome. Discuss anything (well, maybe not whether you should divorce
your wife, or things like that). Games like Heart of Oak, WAB
Trafalgar (ugh), and the classic Wooden Ships, Iron Men are great
topics. Naval history, ships, Captains and Kings --- it's all on the
table. Or, "tabletop" for us gamers. Discussion of great sea
adventures such as the Hornblower and Aubrey books would also be
great. Welcome aboard."

Robert Blanchett
+61 (0)403 911 552
Gzg-l mailing list

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