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Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Change to 15mm Free Trader Crew.....

From: Allan Goodall <agoodall@h...>
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 13:08:18 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Change to 15mm Free Trader Crew.....

On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Fred Kiesche
<> wrote:
> Out of curiosity: Was it the first SF-RPG you bought/played?

Mine was the original Gamma World. I still have fond memories of some
of the pictures. This was pre-Road Warrior, so post-apocalyptic
visions had plants growing over long abandoned concrete highways. I
always preferred that image to the nuclear dust bowl look of Darwin's
World or some of the other post-Road Warrior games.

The next was Traveller. I sold off my collection a few years ago,
largely because I had no one to play with. I still think about picking
up a later version from time to time, but I have Serenity, and
Battlestar Galactica, and a couple of other RPGs that scratch the
space opera itch, if I can ever get our group to play.

(Alana wants to play Serenity, so I might run a 1-on-1 with her.)

I do have the original Striker, though I can't remember the last time
I looked at it.

> Now that my daughter is 10, I'm wondering if I should get her hooked
> something...hmmmm...wonder if I can find "Tunnels & Trolls"!

Logan (my 10 year old) wanted to play Star Wars, so I picked up Star
Wars Saga Edition (he wanted to be a Jedi and I kept hearing that the
old D6 version was better, but sort of nerfed Jedis). It was okay, but
I found the D20 system clunky, particularly since I've gone more
narrativist in my games over the years and I'm just not up to spending
hours upon hours on stat blocks and reading through fiddly rules (at
least, not unless I'm paid to).

He enjoyed the Star Wars game. Then he changed his mind and wanted to
be a superhero. I ran a game of Wild Talents Essential Edition for
him, and he loved it. So, I think we're going to stick with supers for
a bit (or maybe we'll swing into the "secret project" I'm working

Allan Goodall

Gzg-l mailing list

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