Re: [GZG] Mixed Role Fighters (design system)
From: Doc <docagren@a...>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 15:38:56 -0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] Mixed Role Fighters (design system)
Gzg-l mailing list
From: Ryan Gill
Sent: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 12:03 pm
Subject: Re: [GZG] Mixed Role Fighters (design system)
At 5:11 PM -0400 4/18/09, Doc wrote:
>I have a set of rules for designing fighters, >and it included allowing
you to make these Mixed >Roles Fighters, and will allow U to build all
of >the stock GZG fighter types at right cost. You >find that more you
squeeze in to a fighter, it >will cost you much in points, and you still
find >they die just as fast a stock fighters.
f>>Fighter Designs.pdf
So, just for the sake of argument, what if you have a fighter system
that's a full generation ahead of all of the other space-craft it's up
against. Look at the F22 as an example. The Super-Bugs (F18) (gen 4.5)
F-15s and F16s (Gen 4) have all had fits trying to get them in their
gunsites, let alone shoo them down. So far as I've heard, ONE F-18 jock
managed to get a kill shot by violating the ROE for the practice
engagement which meant the F22 jock was probably trying to avoid a
collision rather than kill the F18.
In this case it would seem that the F22 is head and shoulders above
everything else. At Red Flag the F22s got 144 kills with no kills on
their own side. >>
Sorry I'm on vacation and haven't been checking email.
Well to be fair, if the fighter design system I put up on the web as a
pdf, does address this.
You can have Obsolete fighters mixing it up with Cutting Edge
Designs. And I have played games where I’ve had 1 Squadron of 4
Large Heavy Stealth Fighters piloted by Elite Pilots, vrs 6 Squadrons of
Enemy Fighters (2 squadrons were made up of 8 Light Fighters, and have
taken out most enemy fighters. Many without the Enemy getting a chance
to return fire. I endup having 2 of my Elite Pilots planes being taken
out of action. But 1 of the Pilots who survived, wrapped up 21
shootdowns in that 1 game.
So to go by your design yep the LLAR can firld their Hordes MIG 17 vrs
NAC Squadron of F-22, and the F-22 should do a # of them.
DOC Agren
Lurker on the Digest