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[GZG] West Coast GZG Con

From: DAVID MEBUST <dmebust@y...>
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2009 12:15:49 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [GZG] West Coast GZG Con

Gzg-l mailing list
Washington State we have the Enfilade convention (coming up over Memorial day
weekend (Friday thru Sunday). Usually have a Stargrunt game or two as
well as Full Thrust and a Dirtside game or two. There are quite a few
GZG players up this way so all games are well attended. I would just
love to have Jon at the convention with several cases of toys to
purchase. I would also love to have DLD come to the convention for the
same reason. We usually have 200 to 300 players through the convention
so it is not small by any means. If this is not too far away please
consider attending. We have regular attendees from Alaska and Montana.

Get There First with the Most

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