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Re: [GZG] ?? on Power Projection

From: Hugh Fisher <laranzu@o...>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 21:52:38 +1100
Subject: Re: [GZG] ?? on Power Projection

>Hi, I beleive I'm getting this for a christmas gift.  I know there 
>has to be someone here who owns a copy.  My question is really 
>simple.  How compatible is it with Full Thrust 2.5?

Not at all compatible if you were expecting to be
able to fight a GZG vs Traveller battle straight

Compatible in the sense that the two rulesets work
very much alike. Power Projection has hull boxes
and threshold checks, similar system icons, and
weapon icons with firing arcs and classes.

The rules for combining lots of weapons are very
interesting - some of the big Traveller ships have
over 300 individual weapon icons, so it isn't
practical to roll dice individually.


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