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Re: [GZG] Ixx Psychology & behaviour?

From: "Allan Goodall" <agoodall@h...>
Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2008 17:50:38 -0600
Subject: Re: [GZG] Ixx Psychology & behaviour?

Gzg-l mailing list
Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 4:35 PM, Damo <> wrote:

> Ya know?  I'm loath to suggest it but it'd be kind of nice to have an
> alien race that, you know, befriends the human race.	Perhaps lending
> a hand against the 'Vak?

I was thinking the same thing.

In theory the Phalons would do this, but they are so opportunistic
never be close friends with humans; humans would never trust them.

I thought of the Ixx in the middle of a nasty hive versus hive civil war
that destroyed their homeworld. They are now looking, on a hive by hive
basis, for anyone that would help. They then befriend humanity. Or,
they befriend the first group of humans that they come across that they
think they can trust.

Say the first group encounter the NSL. The NSL now have a powerful ally.
Then another hive ship shows up and runs into NAC territory. Now you
Ixx and NAC versus Ixx and NSL. You can do a credible Ixx versus Ixx
The reason the hive ships are all now starting to show up all at once is
because their home planet was wrecked in a cataclysm and the hives all
at about the same time.

Maybe even some of them befriend the alien races, too (but maybe not,
the Phalons, because they look too much like a predator on their now
home planet, or soemthing like that...).

The Ixx are no longer stereotypical "bugs" but actually they're close
allies, allies who hate certain members of their own kind.
Allan Goodall

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