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Re: [GZG] Question: What's in a name - WYSIWYG or not?

From: John Tailby <john_tailby@x...>
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 17:35:58 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Re: [GZG] Question: What's in a name - WYSIWYG or not?

Gzg-l mailing list
definately prefer it when each faction has their own distinct look and
feel. As opposed to everyone having the same mixture of gear.
I don't think the games are as successful or as enjoyable when both
players have the same model but are using completly different rules.
If playing Full Thrust using the GZG universe I would use the models as
they are described. If I was playing Warmachine or Hordes, I would buy
the appropriate models. I might "proxy" some models while trying them
out, but if I wanted to play the game regularly I would expect to buy
the appropriate models.
If I was playing my own game or one where there was not a specific set
of models for them I would use models that are suitable from any
manufacturer I liked.
I think armies look best when they come from a consistent range of
models, unless you want a polglot look like refugees.
I definately think each vehicle should get a name or "code name" if it's
an alien vehicle and a paragraph of text describing it's intoduction,
notable battles and how it fights. Makes it much more compelling than a
catalogue code or generic text like "medium APC tracked with AT

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