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Re: [GZG] Subject: [OFFICIAL] APCs, holidays, deals and stuff!

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2008 10:43:48 +0100
Subject: Re: [GZG] Subject: [OFFICIAL] APCs, holidays, deals and stuff!

>1) Turreted Mortars: I wonder if this is more complexity than would 
>be necessary. Usually, with vehicle-sized mortars, you'll be firing 
>a fair distance. Your targets at those ranges won't necessitate 
>sizable changes of arc (unlike engaging hostile infantry or tanks 
>close in, the reason turreted DF weapons are popular). You'd think 
>the mortar inside the hull would be just fine for that. (see the 
>link above for an example)
>NOTE: Turreted AGLs make sense and the turret depicted there could 
>be twin large-calibre AGLs. Alternately, a smaller twin AGL turret 
>could be built. That sort of weapon is for short range DF or 
>indirect engagement of infantry and soft skinned vehicles, so it 
>makes sense for a turret.

Well, the idea behind it was that it could be used in multiple modes 
- high-trajectory mortar fire for long-range support, and lower 
trajectory for direct support where a turretted system would be 
useful. Mounting it on a large vehicle chassis gives plenty of 
storage for useful amounts of ammo.

>2) Ambulance Version: No turret? Jon? :)

Probably not worth producing as a separate mini (though if folks want 
one, speak up!) - I'd just use the basic APCs and simply plate over 
the turret hole, or graft a commander's hatch on there.

>3) Note the TOW under armour variant on the link. I think the system 
>is mounted rearward for balance and for ease of reloading (spares 
>probably have to be taken from the inside, heaved up onto the top 
>deck, and loaded). This sort of design might predominate in missile 
>systems. An Aliens APC style turret track that let you rotate the 
>launcher down off the back and reload at ground level might also 
>4) Note the LAV III's turret, fairly large to accomodate the RFAC 
>and the MGs and sensors and people and ammo feed systems, is mounted 
>centreline from the front and centreline from the side (or close to 
>it). This is again probably for balance. The tipping issue is 
>substantial in hilly places like Afghanistan. And it probably makes 
>the vehicle a more steady weapons platform. I tend to think most of 
>the larger turret systems would be centre mount if they don't have 
>the reloading issues the missile system does. Especially if they 
>have recoil-heavy weapons.
>5) Scout/Recce Turret: Jon? :0)

What armament?

>Just some thoughts.
>Also, kudos to Jon for making a nice looking tracked main hull and a

Thanks!  :-)

Jon (GZG)

>"Now, I go to spread happiness to the rest of the station. It is a 
>terrible responsibility but I have learned to live with it."
>Londo, A Voice in the Wilderness, Part I
>"To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like 
>administering medicine to the dead." -- Thomas Paine
>Thomas Paine
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