Prev: Re: [GZG] Changing topics again (FoW) Was: Re: FT Light: 5 is the new 6? Next: Re: [GZG] Troop potential

Re: [GZG] Changing topics again (FoW) Was: Re: FT Light: 5 is the new 6?

From: Indy <indy.kochte@g...>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 13:17:18 -0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] Changing topics again (FoW) Was: Re: FT Light: 5 is the new 6?

Gzg-l mailing list
Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 11:52 AM, Bill Brush <> wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 5:55 AM, Indy <> wrote:
> > So, I'd personally say *try* FoW at some point before writing it off
> > wholesale. You *might* be surprised. Or you may decide you were
> > depending on the attitude you take to the game. <shrug> Again, YMMV,
> you
> > should at leave give a game system a fair shake before chucking it
> >
> I'm sure it's a fine game.  If it wasn't it wouldn't be doing as well
> as it is.

Another upside to FoW - it *is* doing two other things I forgot to

1) pulling GW/40K players away from "40K is the only game there is"
mentality, and
2) expanding for many potential players an avenue of getting into
gaming w/out dealing with daunting levels of charts, calculations, etc
I know there are other WWII game systems that have dispensed with
charts, etc, but they haven't gotten the spotlight that FoW grabbed.

>  I don't think it is going to be the one that lures me out
> of my semi-retirement from tabletop gaming for reasons that have
> nothing to do with whether or not it is a good historical system.

Fair 'nuff. :-)

> All game related items aside it has almost no attraction to me because
> of the cost (significant when you're a single-income, married father
> of two [yes it is possible even in this day and age]);  the time
> investment required (many hours to paint, and more hours to actually
> arrange to the game); and finally the scale (I prefer a smaller scale
> for armor battles since it at least creates the potential for
> maneuver).

I understand and can't help you on most of these, but scale, heck, just
change the scale! :-)	As I mentioned in my reply to Allan, I'm
starting a few FoW armies in 6mm and I think I can get a couple of the
in my group to go along with it.

> It is an unfortunate truth that minis just don't work for me as a
> hobby right now.  Maybe some day that will change.

When your kids get older, they can afford them for you. :-)


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