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Re: [GZG] Changing topics again (FoW) Was: Re: FT Light: 5 is thenew 6?

From: "chris.peachey" <vladvondrak@y...>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 17:47:45 +0100
Subject: Re: [GZG] Changing topics again (FoW) Was: Re: FT Light: 5 is thenew 6?

how would you think he wolud handle a game like warmaster? blitz kreig 
commander, there is always at close quaters ww2 version.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Allan Goodall" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: [GZG] Changing topics again (FoW) Was: Re: FT Light: 5 is 
thenew 6?

> On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 5:55 AM, Indy <> wrote:
>> So, I'd personally say *try* FoW at some point before writing it off
>> wholesale. You *might* be surprised. Or you may decide you were
>> depending on the attitude you take to the game. <shrug> Again, YMMV,
>> you
>> should at leave give a game system a fair shake before chucking it
> This is off topic, but at least it's miniatures... but _how_
> ahistorical is FoW? My 9 year old wants to play a WW2 miniatures game.
> I've been looking for rules, focusing on tactical games because at his
> age it's easier for him to think of a tank shooting another tank
> rather than a tank platoon shooting another tank platoon. Yet the game
> we play the most is abstract and he doesn't have a problem with that,
> so I'm obviously worrying about something I don't need to worry about.
> I keep hearing FoW come up, which might be a next logical step. We'd
> be playing in 6mm, not 15mm.
> I'm interested in a game that's fast paced but not too terribly
> ahistorical. As a point of reference, we both enjoy playing Memoir
> '44. We have the entire set of supplements. (In fact, I started out
> being easy on him, but now if I'm easy on him I can't win! The last
> game we played I wasn't ruthless, but I wasn't easy on him either and
> he still won.)
> It doesn't concern me if the game is too terribly popular. If there
> are miniatures gamers, other than GW (and those are few and far
> between) where we live we haven't found any. It will just be the two
> of us, and maybe a friend and his son from work.
> Allan
> -- 
> Allan Goodall
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