Re: [GZG] Grossly Off-topic ANZAC Whining, - Geo knowledge
From: "K.H.Ranitzsch" <kh.ranitzsch@t...>
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2008 18:22:49 +0200
Subject: Re: [GZG] Grossly Off-topic ANZAC Whining, - Geo knowledge
John Atkinson schrieb:
> One wonders if those survey where it is clearly demonstrated that your
average American can't find
> Afghanistan on an unlabeled world map have ever been conducted
> elsewhere, and what the results were.
National Geographic regularly does surveys about geographic knowledge in
different countries, see for example:
"The National Geographic–Roper 2002 Global Geographic Literacy Survey
polled more than 3,000 18- to 24-year-olds in Canada, France, Germany,
Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Sweden and the United States.
Sweden scored highest; Mexico, lowest. The U.S. was next to last."
But also:
"Young adults worldwide are not markedly more literate about geography
than the Americans.
On average, fewer than 25 percent of young people worldwide could locate
Israel on the map. Only about 20 percent could identify hotspots like
Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq. "
A study from 2006 shows some improvement about places that are in the
Karl Heinz
Gzg-l mailing list