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Re: [GZG] Living rulebooks

From: John Tailby <john_tailby@x...>
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2008 13:07:52 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Re: [GZG] Living rulebooks

Gzg-l mailing list
ellent idea Hugh.

Well, I did nearly all that work about a year ago, editing
together FT2, MT, FB1, and the new non-alien bits from FB2
into a single volume. (Suitable for space combat only: I
got the interface rules for space/ground transport wrong,
they need to be updated by somebody who plays SG/DS.)

If GZG want to put the PDF on their website for download
then I'll give it to them for free. Or GZG can give me
permission to put it on my website. I'll even promise not
to slip in any of my own new ideas :-)

I think it would be an improvement on expecting new players
to read all four books and figure out which bits belong
where. And since I've already done the work, it's not going
to slow down FT3..


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