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Re: [GZG] And now for something completely different...

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2008 13:38:41 -0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] And now for something completely different...

At 5:52 PM +0100 7/11/08, Ground Zero Games wrote:
>I believe that, at least early on, Cruiser tank squadrons had troops
>of 3 while Infantry tanks (Matildas etc) used 4 tank troops; not sure
>why this was the case.....

I have some Staff Tables (TO&Es) from a now defunct website
( that had the following listed in very
good detail.

They show 3 tank troops (platoons) for a Cavalry Light Tank Regiment as
of May '38, an Armoured Regiment in July of '43 for the Mid East and an
Armoured Regiment of May '45 (Cruisers or infantry). I think in each
case they're 4 troops of 3 tanks. Even the Light Armoured Regiment
(Wheeled) from '40 shows three "Tank, Light, Wheeled" in each troop but
with 5 troops. This is of course armoured cars with a 2 pounder or
perhaps a 15mm Besa.

The Army Tank Brigades (with Churchills) may have been different, but I
don't think so.

Gotta love old British Staff Tables and trying to find what works.
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