Re: [GZG] Artillery considerations (was: Re: Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi!)
From: Adrian1 <al.ll@t...>
Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2008 21:36:36 +0100
Subject: Re: [GZG] Artillery considerations (was: Re: Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi!)
I can three attempts already that tried to deal with both artillery and
In the early 90s there was a game called "Centurion/Leviathans/etc" that
had ortillery that used mass drivers to fire giant nails at grav tanks -
don't know how they dealt with anti-ortillery but they must have.
"Invasion Earth", a rather lengthy novel had used the equivelant of AA
guns that could apparently shoot ortillery shells in flight.
The Tollan in Stargate had anti-ship Ion cannons that could kill major
warships with a single ship. These would lead to a good wargames since
you would have to launch light, fast, NUMEROUS small assault craft to
clear the heavy weapons BEFORE you could get either heavy supply or
ortillery in place since it would be a sitting duck. I suppose by
extension, entire campaigns could be based around the assault on/defence
of these massive but immobile weapons.
Oerjan Ariander wrote:
> John Atkinson wrote:
>> ...I'm just tossing them out
>> there as examples, that it is easier to argue for artillery becoming
>> more lethal than it is to argue for it becoming less lethal.
> Well... it is easy to argue for artillery becoming more *accurate*,
> certainly. However, anti-artillery area-defence systems for ground
> have only just entered service, and when they shrink in size and start
> proliferate I suspect that artillery will begin to *lose* lethality
> as more and more rounds fail to reach their target. That's definitely
> of the SF features Drake got right in the Slammers books :-/
> Note that area-defence systems capable of destroying incoming
> rounds within a few hundred or maybe even a couple thousand meters
> the ground are *not* necessarily capable of destroying aircraft that
> fly much higher and are much tougher targets than artillery rounds.
> Slammers' Calliope system was rather extreme with its near-infinite
> As for game designing artillery to be weak, why just PSB it? Put the
> anti-arty defence system in the game explicitly and see what happens
> instead - that's a lot more fun <g>
> Later,
> Oerjan
> "Life is like a sewer.
> What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
> -Hen3ry
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