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Re: [GZG] New FT icon ideas

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 12:16:39 +0100
Subject: Re: [GZG] New FT icon ideas

>Mike Stanczyk wrote:
>>Hey Hugh?  Do you have a full set of FT icons, one per file, in png
>Not quite.
>I have a full set of FT icon bits - basic outlines, digits,
>etc that can be combined - as an Adobe Illustrator file.
>They're arranged on a grid with invisible bounding boxes
>for alignment, so I can drag and drop them onto new SSDs
>reasonably quickly. Over the next couple of weeks I'm going
>to redo all the SSDs on my personal web site with these, so
>by the end of it I should have a collection of common icons
>as well.
>Saving icons as PNG (or similar bitmap) files would be easy,
>but I'd need to know what resolution (72 dpi? 96 dpi?)
>first. Or would people prefer Illustrator or EPS?
>(A TrueType symbol font sounds ideal, but I've tried that
>and it is way too hard for me. Gory details available on
>And, most importantly, does GZG have any opinion on me
>doing so? I assume GZG are OK with me publishing SSDs for
>new ships on my web site, but the icons themselves are
>clearly copied from GZG material. If for no other reason
>than being polite, I'd like permission from Jon first.

This is OK with me, as anything that makes it easier for people to 
use the game is generally good for us!

Jon (GZG)

>	cheers,
>	Hugh
>Gzg-l mailing list

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