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Re: [GZG] More advanced screens [TOBECLASSIFIED] [SEC=PERSONAL]

From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 12:29:45 +1000
Subject: Re: [GZG] More advanced screens [TOBECLASSIFIED] [SEC=PERSONAL]

Simplifying it down a bit (and make it easier for crossover games as

Ship Design: Merchant ships have 10% mass of hull & 4 rows, warships
have 15% mass of hull & 3 rows.
Langston Field = Phalon layered armour; max armour in each row cannot
exceed the longest hull row.
Each Screen Generator lets you "repair" 1 armour box per turn;
additional armour can be repaired using DCP. (Option: Screens also act
as normal, but cost an extra +2 points per mass).  If a ship does not
repair at least one armour box per turn, it instead takes 1 hull damage
for every point of armour damage each turn (due to overload)

Weapon damage is as per normal FT rules (including penetrating weapons

'Neath Southern Skies

> -----Original Message-----
> From: On Behalf Of Robert Mayberry
> Sent: Monday, June 02, 2008 12:46 AM
> Subject: Re: [GZG] More advanced screens [TO BE CLASSIFIED]
> Here's my take on the Langston Field in Full Thrust (NOT play-tested):
> All ships have 10% (fragile) hulls. This reflects that in the 
> Mote universe, typically ships' hulls are quite fragile 
> RELATIVE TO THE WEAPONS IN USE. You can't buy more (or less) 
> than a 10% hull.
> Hull boxes are represented by circles in a single row on the 
> bottom of the SDS.
> Langston Field Generators are sized exactly like Screen 
> Generators: 5% of ship mass, with a minimum size of 5 mass.
> A ship with a Langston Field Generator may buy Langston Field 
> boxes at a cost of 1 mass, 2 points (These represent upgrades 
> to your Field Generator). These are square and are arranged 
> in 4 rows as usual. A ship that has a field generator but no 
> boxes does not generate a sufficiently powerful Field to have 
> any effect for military purposes.


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