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From: Mark Kinsey <Kinseym@p...>
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 19:26:23 -0500
Subject: [GZG] GZG ECC XI Photos

Apologies to the Vacc Heads. A bunch of Gropo pictures from GZG XI.

The following games are represented.

Broadsword: The Raid			       Me

Zombie Smackdown 9: Break Out!	     Damond Walker

Arena DeathMatch 2015			     Jon Davis

The Yanks are Here!				 Phil Pournelle

Operation Liberte				    Tom Barclay

A Brave New World			       Stuart Murray

Mars Needs Women (A Prequel)		Martin Connell/Steve Barosi

In other news, I was very saddened to hear about Gary Gygax's passing 
today. At the con I made a joke about him coming back as "Gygax the Lich

King" which doesn't seem so funny now. I was a DM back when AD&D came 
out in 1978, before moving on to all things Traveller.

I heard about it first through our clubs Yahoo group and didn't get a 
whole lot of work done after that. I spent my 40 min drive home 
wondering if NPR was going to do a story about Gary. Just as I pulled 
onto my street the story began. " Imagine a mournful horn echoing across

thousands of fantasy worlds: E. Gary Gygax, the co-creator of the 
role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons, died Wednesday morning. He was

I burst out crying,  pulled into my driveway, and had one of those 
"driveway moments".


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