Re: [GZG] Ship boarding 'uninvited' was: Ping?
From: Indy <indy.kochte@g...>
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2007 13:01:07 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] Ship boarding 'uninvited' was: Ping?
Gzg-l mailing list
11/6/07, Doug Evans <> wrote:
> I'm more interested in guidelines for the FT-side of boarding actions,
> I
> don't think that's ever been even approached.
At one of the earlier ECCs a dual action FT/FMA starship combat/boarding
action game was run, set in the Bab5 universe. Events that happened in
game had effects in the other (they were being run simultaneously). I
remember who GM'd the games, and nor was I involved (too many other good
games to choose from at ECC, you see ;-) ), so couldn't give you any
feedback on the interface. But maybe someone out there on the list was a
player (or GM) and will pipe up. :-)