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[GZG] re: 25mm grav tanks

From: "Glenn M. Goffin" <gmgoffin@y...>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 11:54:22 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [GZG] re: 25mm grav tanks

>From: Samuel Penn <>

>Does anyone have any suggestions for UK sources of decent 25mm >grav
tanks for Stargrunt? 

You can always scratch-build.  I made some grav tanks using soap
dishes as the hull, and added electrical, masking, and duct tape for
texture.  Some stuff from my bits bin -- probably guns off a toy
spaceship -- turned into the guns.  I used a sponge to apply
camouflage colors over the flat black primer.  The tanks didn't take
long to make, maybe two hours for three tanks, not including time
letting coats of paint dry, and the whole project probably cost less
than US$10.00.

I sent a separate email to Sam with a couple of pictures from a
Stargrunt game that I ran at a local game convention (Kublacon) last


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