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Re: [GZG] Feedback on Beta Fighter Revisions

From: Oerjan Ariander <oerjan.ariander@r...>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 07:10:03 +0200
Subject: Re: [GZG] Feedback on Beta Fighter Revisions

I wrote:

>>>Do fighters get to "pin" enemy fighter squadrons in a 'dogfight and 
>>>prevent them moving?
>>>I thought fighter groups just ended movement within 6Mu and opened
>>>I don't think of that so much as a dog fight. More like long range 
>>>combat with missiles.
>>Around here it's always been interpreted as fighters can
>>only fire on other fighters by moving into contact, so
>>yes they pin them.
>This is not the way the beta-test rules were intended. Fighters have a
>range against other fighters, and moving into base-to-base contact with

>enemy fighters have no extra effect whatsoever that you don't get by 
>simply being within

To clarify: In other words, no, in the beta-test rules fighters DON'T
one another in dogfights.


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