[GZG] Online store
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 07:43:37 -0500
Subject: [GZG] Online store
Is it really necessary to keep the Postage & Package item a popup
of a selection from the index page? I'm suggesting BOTH would be
appropriate. Also, could we have a similar item describing payment
I know the idea is to have just product description on the main page,
these seem appropriate references in the store proper. Also, hitting
'temporarily disable popup blocker' everytime one wants to review the
examples gets a bit old.
And you might want to mention the 10UKP limit before the checkout. At
least, if you have, I'm missing it.
Paul, you still have the old • INDEX • DOWNLOADS • NEWS • LINKS
CONTACT • list at the top of Germy's Models.
Thanks for patiently listening to ramblings of a curmudgeon!
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