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Re: [GZG] More re: [OFFICIAL] Salute releases....!

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 16:32:36 +0100
Subject: Re: [GZG] More re: [OFFICIAL] Salute releases....!

>Ground Zero Games wrote:
>>  I'd actually be quite interested to hear other peoples' opinions on
>>  this - unlike the Starships, for the ground stuff (whether it be in
>>  15mm, 25mm or 6mm) I've tended to keep away from saying "this mini
>>  a UNSC (or NAC, NSL, whatever) tank", because I think it tends to
>>  railroad SOME people into the "I don't do that army, so I can't use
>>  that mini" mindset. I'd rather that folks felt free to use just
>>  whatever they like when they build their armies up. What do you
>>  about it? Would you rather have everything tied down to "official"
>>  stuff?
>Nope, don't do this. Enough companies do this, and I think it is
>enough you bring out nice vehicles and let people themselves decide
>which to use for what army.
>I think just having army specific infantry is good enough to make
>different armies recognizable.

Glad you agree, Frits, because that's always been my way of thinking; 
and also it means that while we're steadily building up the range, we 
don't have people badgering at us with things like "I'm only 
collecting Free CalTex, when am I going to get some 
tanks/APCs/whatever for my army...!?"  ;-)

I'm still interested to hear any other (contrary?) opinions though.....

Jon (GZG)

>Frits Kuijlman
>Delft, The Netherlands
>Gzg-l mailing list

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