RE: [GZG] Full Thrust:trading card maker sample FT card
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2007 09:04:39 -0500
Subject: RE: [GZG] Full Thrust:trading card maker sample FT card
Certains what I thought, and not a bad idea. Actually, you could get a
smaller ship's SSD and order space on one card, then laminate for reuse.
Wouldn't try it with an attack carrier, or course.
However, I am intrigued by what I'm seeing. Is this an 'event' card to
from a deck, or playable from a hand?
Tom-Noh-B on 04/04/2007 07:30:18 AM:
> When I read your message, I thought you were going to make trading
> with SSDs on them for game play. You know, just a small deck of SSDs,
> then a separate page to write orders.
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