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Re: [GZG] SUS - Sa'vasku

From: "john tailby" <John_Tailby@x...>
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 20:35:03 +1300
Subject: Re: [GZG] SUS - Sa'vasku

Can you repair generators? I didn't think you could repair them. They
take threshold tests like normal systems they are just destroyed when
reach the end of the row.

Are they affected by needle weapons?

What about EMP?

Or in order to repair the hull damage do you transfer biomass between
equipped with a drone womb by making a squadron of fighters and having
transfer to the new ship to replace the damaged hull boxes?

The idea of having mixed standard and organic tech is that all you would

keep from the organic ship would be the power generators main drives and


So you would end up with a starfleet battle type ship with the ability
allocate power between engines and weapons. Every other system is better

from the standard tech. 

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